


Module(s): Rooms, Surfaces, Stories

You can use the Room tool to enter rooms one by one. A dialog box with three tabs is displayed. In this dialog box you can assign fixed as well as custom attributes (e.g., room temperature) to the elements in the room. These attributes are used in subsequent analyses and evaluations.

The outlines of rooms are visible on screen but they are usually not included in printouts. You can configure Allplan to create printable rooms by selecting the relevant setting in the Options - Rooms page - Create area. Room labels appear in printouts.

In the Finish tab, you can define covering for vertical surfaces, ceilings and floors and enter baseboard. You can enter floor area attributes as well as the enclosure type, occupancy and area type in accordance with DIN 277 in the DIN277 tab.

These rooms can only be analyzed using the Area Calculation, Application tool. These special reports and lists are in accordance with DIN 277.

Summary of options for creating rooms

Animation surfaces for interiors and stories

Calculating floor area in compliance with residential space ordinance

Notes on DIN277 2005-02

To create rooms

  1. Click Room (How).
  2. If you want, you can now modify the room's parameters.
    Several options are provided on the context toolbar for this.
  3. Enter the outline of the room using the polyline entry tools.
  4. When you have finished entering the room, you can define and place a label for it on the context toolbar that appears.

Note: To define the finishing surfaces of rooms at a later stage, use
Finish Specifications or
Redefine Rooms, Surfaces, Stories

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