

Converting as-built data to demolition data

When you convert as-built data to demolition data, it is a good idea to match the parameters of a suitable demolition element from the wizard and use them for Conversion for Building Alteration Work. If you are not working with wizards, you can also use the default setting of Conversion for Building Alteration Work, which can be restored by clicking Reset.

Important steps

  1. Make the drawing file with the as-built data current.

    Note: If you want to assign a different building alteration category to a section of a wall only, you need to split up the wall first.
    To do this, you can use the Split Surface Elements, Archit. Elements tool, for example. As an alternative, select Delete Section of Linear Component and then Join Linear Component with Line.

  2. Click Conversion for Building Alteration Work.
  3. Click Properties and define the parameters of the demolition element in one of the following ways:
  4. Click Convert to demolition.
  5. Select all the elements and click Apply.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to convert more components to demolition objects.
  7. Click Close.

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