Entering cross-sections in the bridge/civil engineering tool

Tool(s): Bridge/Civil Engineering Component + Modify Bridge/Civil Engineering Component

The Cross-Section Definition provides various options for creating and editing cross-sections for the selected station point. Cross-sections can consist of several parts. The cross-sections can even intersect or complement one another.
You do not need to enter a cross-section for each station point as the program uses the existing stationing to automatically determine the missing cross-sections of station points.
If there is only one cross-section along the route, it is sufficient to define the cross-section at any station point.

Station points to which you have assigned a cross-section are highlighted visually.

What do you want to do?

Create a bridge or tunnel cross-section

Use a cross-section from a symbol catalog

Create a polygonal cross-section

Create a standard cross-section

Create a custom cross-section

Edit a cross-section

Delete a cross-section during or after entry

Note: Based on the min-max box of the cross-section, the reference point for new cross-sections is always centered at the top. To modify the reference point's position in the cross-section and the rotation of the cross-section, select the associated station point in the tree structure or in the Elevation preview and choose a function on the shortcut menu, Station toolbar or Edit menu.

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