Creating Standard Cross-Sections

Tool(s): Entering cross-sections in the Bridge/Civil Engineering Component tool

  1. Select one of the following options on the toolbar or Edit menu:
  2. Enter the geometric dimensions and the position of the reference point of the cross-section in the unit of length and unit of angle set and specify whether the area is to be created or added or whether it is to cut out an existing area.

    Note: You can also create ellipses as cross-sections using Add Irregular Polygon. All you have to do is enter the double radii an, if necessary, an angle of rotation.

  3. Click OK to confirm the dialog box.

    The coordinates of the polygon points are determined.

  4. Edit the cross-section created or quit definition to assign the cross-section to the current station point.

Tip: When you right-click in the graphics area and select a default cross-section, the coordinates of the point clicked are automatically copied and proposed for the reference point.

Note: You can also delete a cross-section while entering it.

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