Axis grid parameters, label

Parameters for orthogonal axis grid + Parameters for polar axis grid

You can set parameters for the axis grid label here. The settings you make apply to the axis that is currently active (i.e. the active tab).

Text parameters

This is where you set the parameters for the text in the label.

Text angle

Use this to set the label’s angle.

Text offset

Use this to set the offset between the label and the grid lines.

Label’s format

Use this to specify a numbering format for the axis.

Initial label

Enter the initial value for the grid labels in accordance with the label's format set: when the format is set to , enter 10.F, for example.
If you leave this empty, the grid is labeled with the first number in each case.

Border styles

Activate this check box to apply a border around the labels. Then select a border type.

Position of label

Specify the sides on which the axis is to be labeled.

Start of label

Specify on which side the label is to begin.

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