

Placing mesh shape

Module(s): Mesh Reinforcement

You can use the Place Mesh Shape tool to place mesh reinforcement along a placing line or as a single placement. The parameters are defined in the palette. You can select the marks either by clicking them or entering their numbers.

What do you want to do?

Place a bending shape using automatic depth placement

Place a bending shape as a linear placement

Place a bending shape as a single placement

Whereas placing the mesh shape completes the single placement, you can change the parameters of a linear placement at any time before you create the final placement in one of the following ways:

Note: You can use Match to match the parameters of a different placement. You can use Save as a Favorite to save the settings and Load Favorite to read the settings back into the palette, where you can modify them. Click Favorite QuickSelect to select from the five favorites you have used most recently.

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