

Hip, valley rafter

Module(s): Frame Construction: Rafters, Roof Beams, Posts

You can use the Hip, Valley Rafter tool to create hip rafters and valley rafters.

To create hip rafters and valley rafters

  1. Click Hip, Valley Rafter (How).
  2. Click the line where two planes intersect.
  3. If you want, you can now modify the hip or valley rafter parameters.
    Several options are provided on the context toolbar for this.
  4. Click in the workspace to define the direction in which the hip rafter or valley rafter will extend.
  5. Press ESC to quit the tool.

    (A) Arris line
    (B) Valley line
    (C) Roof frames

Note: Existing rafters are cut immediately.

Note: Rafters intersected by hip rafters or valley rafters are divided (when you add a dormer to a rafter roof, for example). Beispiel.

Note: When the hip rafter or valley rafter is created, the top of the rafter will automatically adjust to the top of the planes. Usually, this results in a bend in the top surface of the rafter.

Note: You can use Adjust Hip, Valley Rafter in V-Shaped Manner to modify hip rafters and valley rafters so that their bottom side adjusts in a V-shaped manner to the roof pitch.

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