

Floor, ceiling

Module(s): Rooms, Surfaces, Stories

You can use the Floor and Ceiling tools to create (special) ceiling and floor surfaces. These have a higher priority than the floor and ceiling surfaces entered using the Room and Finish Specifications tools. Use this tool to enter the area around an open fireplace as natural stone, for example, in contrast to the carpet in the rest of the room, or when a part of the ceiling is to consist of wood paneling.

Animation surfaces for interiors and stories

To create (special) floor and ceiling surfaces

  1. Click Floor Surface (How) or Ceiling (How).
  2. If you want, you can now modify the parameters.
    Several options are provided on the context toolbar for this.
  3. Enter the floor or ceiling using the polyline entry tools.
  4. When you have created the floor or ceiling, you can define and place a label for it on the context toolbar that appears.

Tip: You can activate Properties at any time while entering the floor or ceiling.

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