

Dimensioning walls

Module(s): General: Roofs, Planes, Sections + Basic: Walls, Openings, Components + Special: Walls, Openings, Components

You can use the Dimension Walls tool to automatically create dimension strings for one or more walls. It is possible to create several dimension lines in a single step. The dimension lines are associative.

The dimension lines you create with this tool can be modified using the Add Dim. Line Point and Del Dim. Line Point tools in the Dimension Lines module. The dimension lines will also update to reflect any ”manual” modifications that you make.

Note: If the walls to be dimensioned are in different drawing files, the associativity is lost.

To automatically dimension one or more walls

  1. Click Dimension Walls (How).
  2. If you want, you can now modify the parameters for the dimension line, dimension text and dimension block.
    Several options are provided on the context toolbar for this.
  3. Click OK to confirm the parameters.
  4. Select the walls to be dimensioned.
  5. Click the right mouse button to confirm your selection.
  6. Click on a wall line in one of the selected walls. This line will serve as a reference element for the dimension line(s).
    Dimensioning will be performed along this direction element.
  7. A preview of the dimension line block is attached to the crosshairs. To change the block’s properties at this stage, click Properties on the context toolbar again and redefine the relevant parameters.
  8. You can change the appearance of the dimension block as follows:
  9. Click in the workspace to position the dimension line block.

Note: If you use Modify Exterior Wall to modify a wall that has been dimensioned using Dimension Walls, the dimension lines are no longer associated with the wall. In other words, the dimension lines will not update automatically to reflect any changes you make to the wall.

Dimension walls, defining styles

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