Exporting Allplan BCM and quantities data

You can use the Export Allplan BCM and Quantities Data tool to calculate information (attributes, quantities etc.) in active Allplan documents using various reports. This data is saved in a file in xca format and can be transferred to external programs such as Allplan BCM or Microsoft Excel, which you can access straight from Allplan (online connection).

The xca2xac.exe sample application, which is integrated in Allplan, automatically saves all calculation results in an xac-format file and transfers them to Microsoft Excel.

Note: So that you can use Export Allplan BCM and Quantities Data in conjunction with custom reports, SELECT must begin with the Allright_component_ID attribute. The Allright_component_ID value need not be displayed in the table.

Important notes on editing XAC files

To export Allplan BCM and quantities data

  1. Select all the documents with the data you want to export.
  2. On the File menu, click Export and then Export Allplan BCM and Quantities Data.
  3. In the input options, click Settings for exporting Allplan BCM and quantities data. Now you can make the following settings:
  4. Select the elements you want to export.

    Note: Click in the input options to find elements based on advanced criteria - for example, to find elements with a specific material.
    This is done in the same way as in the Find Elements tool.

  5. Now Allplan calculates the data (quantities, attributes etc.) in the active documents and writes it to the selected report. The report is saved as an xca-format file in the private data exchange folder (...\Users\Windows_user_name\Documents\Nemetschek\Allplan\2015\Usr\Locali_o).

    The file name is based on the project name and must not be modified.

  6. The selected external program (e.g. Allplan BCM or Microsoft Excel) starts and the exported file opens.

Re-importing modified Allplan BCM and quantities data

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