Importing Allplan BCM and quantities data

You can use Import Allplan BCM and Quantities Data tool to re-import Allplan BCM and other quantities data you have exported to and edited in external programs such as Allplan BCM or Microsoft Excel using Export Allplan BCM and Quantities Data. The modified data is saved in xac format. Any changes made in an external program are updated automatically in Allplan.

Note: The first column of the file you want to import must include the Allright component ID; this column must not be changed.

Important notes on editing XAC files

To import Allplan BCM and quantities data

  1. Select the project whose exported Allplan BCM or quantities data you want to import.
  2. On the File menu, click Import and then Import Allplan BCM and Quantities Data.
  3. Select the path and file and click Open.
    The name of the file is preset to default.

    The data is imported, and all the elements that have changed are automatically updated in Allplan.

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