Lintel/Header/Roller Blind Housing, Parameters

Tool(s): Lintel/Header, Roller Blind Housing + Opening Designer

Note: Bear in mind the lintel’s opening side when entering the bearing length and length of the lintel or roller blind housing. Its position is represented by a small arrow (this is also reflected in the preview) in the Lintel/Header dialog box.

Setting parameters for the shape of lintels/headers and roller blind housings

Bearing length A

This is where you enter a value for the support depth on the left (relative to the side of the opening)

Bearing length B

This is where you enter a value for the support depth on the right (relative to the side of the opening).


This is where you enter the length of the lintel/header/roller blind housing.


To associate the top and bottom levels of the lintel/header or roller blind housing with reference planes or existing elements, click the Height button in the property sheet.

Depth (for modifications only)

This is where you enter the new depth value for the lintel/header/roller blind housing.

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