Copy, Move Elements between Documents

You can use the Copy, Move Elements between Documents tool to copy elements to a different layout.

Important: You cannot undo this operation by clicking Undo. When you select this tool, the program automatically makes backup copies of the drawing file/layout and saves them with the extension .bak (assuming that you have set the appropriate option in the Options on the Desktop environment page). The .bak files and the original drawing files/layouts are stored in the same folder, i.e. the project folder. For more information, see Using .bak files.

To copy or move layout elements to a different layout while retaining coordinates

  1. In the Layout module, click Copy, Move Elements between Documents (How).
  2. Use the Layout structure to select the layout to which you want to copy elements.

    Note: When you copy or move data to a layout, Allplan displays a confirmation prompt and makes backup copies (*.bak) of the files in question. For more information, see Using .bak files.

  3. Select the elements you want to copy.

    Note: To copy all layout elements, click All in the Input options or click twice with the right mouse button in the workspace (in this case a confirmation prompt is displayed).

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