

Tools for creating SmartParts using scripts

To access the tools for creating SmartParts such as the SmartPart Editor, which you can use to define your own SmartParts, open the Tools menu, click Customize... and select the Additional tools with icons category.

Modify SmartPart Instance's Attributes (also on the SmartParts' shortcut menu)
Create SmartPart (opens the SmartPart Editor dialog box)
Modify SmartPart using Script

These tools are not integrated in the SmartParts palette, as you only need them to create your own SmartParts. We assume that only a few users want to use scripts to define their own SmartParts. By excluding these tools from the palette, we ensure that the user interface is not clogged with tools you only need every now and then. However, you can still integrate these tools in a toolbar quickly and easily.

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