

Drawing symbol regulations

Module(s): Urban Planning

You can use the Drawing Symbol Regulations tool to create areas in compliance with drawing symbol regulations. You cannot modify the Drawing symbol regulations catalog provided by Nemetschek. This catalog is in the ETC folder (default path).

To modify the default drawing symbol regulations, you need to copy the drawing symbol catalog to the office standard and assign this copy to the project.

You can make as many copies as you need; this way, you can create several catalogs tailored to meet the requirements of individual countries.

To create areas and symbols in compliance with the drawing symbol regulations

  1. Click Drawing Symbol Regulations (How).
  2. Select a drawing symbol.

    Note: You cannot modify the drawing symbol regulations in the default path. When you have selected the default regulations for the project, you cannot select the group definition.

  3. If the drawing symbol you have selected is an area, you can specify additional parameters.
  4. Enter the area using the polyline entry tools or place the drawing symbol in the layout.
  5. Press ESC to finish.

Tip: You can use Combine Lines to Make Polylines (How) to join linear elements of the drawing symbol regulations later (for example, building lines). The new element automatically assumes all the properties of the element you clicked first.

Modifying/deleting drawing symbols from catalog

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