


Module(s): Basic: Walls, Openings, Components

You can use the Window tool to insert window openings in walls.

To create a window

  1. Click Window (How).
  2. If you want, you can now modify the parameters of the opening.
    The context toolbar provides several options.

    Note: In the case of walls with multiple construction layers, it is advisable to click the wall first and then set the parameters for the window opening. This automatically enters the properties of the wall in the dialog box and presents the advanced options for multi-tier walls.

    Tip: Click Get from Library to select and insert an opening that was created with the Smart Window and Door Symbols tool (How).

  3. Set the opening's anchor point .

    A preview of the opening is attached to the crosshairs. The direction of the opening is also displayed. (This is important for openings in multi-layer walls where the offset value in each layer is different.)

    A Wall line clicked = exterior side of opening

  4. Click the wall. The system will automatically display the offset between the point you clicked and the nearest reference point (represented by a small arrow). You can accept or change this value. Press ENTER to confirm this value.

    Note: If Prompt for opening width is not active on the Window Context toolbar, Allplan will create the opening using the width specified in the Properties dialog box without prompting you again.

  5. The program displays the width of the opening in the dialog line again; if you want, you can change the value. Press ENTER to confirm the desired value.
  6. When you have selected an asymmetrical smart symbol which has not been placed correctly in the opening, you can now change its position by clicking the relevant opening.
    When the smart symbol is positioned correctly, click in the workspace with the right mouse button.

    Note: When the Place label option is enabled on the Window Context toolbar, you can label the opening in the same manner as in the Label tool.

  7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to draw more openings. Otherwise, press ESC to quit the tool.

Note: For quantity takeoff operations that are compliant with German building regulations, check that the openings are within the components.

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