

Unlinking smart symbols

Module(s): Smart Symbols

You can use the Unlink Smart Symbol tool to explode instances of smart symbols into their basic entities. The design entities which make up the instance of the smart symbol can subsequently be modified on an individual basis.

Note: Only the visible foils in an instance of a smart symbol are unlinked.

To unlink all the visible foils in a smart symbol

  1. Click Unlink Smart Symbol (How).
  2. Use the Input Options to define how the smart symbol is to be unlinked.
  3. Select the instances you want to unlink.

    Note: When set to Fully, smart symbols are exploded into different elements depending on the current view: instances of smart symbols selected in plan view are exploded into 2D lines; instances of smart symbols selected in a 3D view are exploded into boxes and planar polygonal 3D surfaces.

  4. Click in the workspace with the right mouse button or click Apply to confirm the selection.

    The instance of the smart symbol is unlinked.

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