

Composite element

Module(s): Advanced Draft + Site Plan

You can use the Composite Element tool to create composite elements based on one or more elements. Composite elements may not have gaps and they cannot branch. If these criteria are met, you can combine individual composite elements to produce a new, discrete one, or you can enhance a composite element by adding new elements. All associated element labels, stationing and parallel lines are deleted in the process.

Note: The construction of the composite is faster if, at creation time, you place the reference point roughly in the middle of the new one. The direction of the composite element is determined by the minimum x value (if equal, the y value) of the reference element, or the start point of an existing composite element.

1st example

A Reference element

2nd example

A Axis A

B Axis B

To create a new composite element

  1. Click Composite Element (How).
  2. If necessary, enter the name of the composite element.
  3. Click the reference element for the new composite element.
  4. Select the individual elements or the composite elements you want to join.

    Tip: When you double-click in the workspace with the right mouse button, all connected elements are selected.

To add elements to a composite element

  1. Click Composite Element (How).
  2. Click the reference element in the composite element.

    The name of this composite element is used for the new element.

  3. Select the elements to be added.


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