

Properties of NDW files

Document-based approach using NDW files and NPL files

NDW-format files are always opened and displayed in a separate window. You can use the New Viewport (How) tool to display a NDW file in multiple viewports and in any projection. You can move and copy elements between NDW-format files and drawing files (see Exchanging elements between drawing files and NDW files). Allplan documents cannot be open as NDW files and as drawing files (not in reference mode either) at the same time.

You can enter any names for NDW-format files and save these files in any folder (as opposed to drawing files that are always given names consisting of tb00????.ndw (???? = drawing file number) and that are always saved in the project folder).

You can use NDW Layout Element (How) to place NDW-format files in layouts.

All the resources belonging to a NDW-format file are saved together with this document. The advantage of this is that documents always have a uniform appearance, regardless how the current project or office resources are defined.

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