Bitmap area, parameters

Tool(s): Bitmap Area

You can set the following parameters in the Bitmap Area dialog box:


Bitmap file:

The name of the selected bitmap file is displayed. Click ... to select a new bitmap file in any folder.

Bitmap size (pixel):

The size of the selected bitmap file is displayed in pixels.



The bitmap is applied to the entire area defined by the polyline (like tiles).


The bitmap is placed only once in the area defined by the polyline.

Edit bitmap:

You can edit and save the bitmap you have already used for a bitmap area placed. You can use all the options provided by the Edit Bitmap tool (Animation module).


Transparency as %:

You can enter a value for the transparency of the bitmap area. 0 = fully opaque; 100 = fully transparent.

Hide pixels

When this option is enabled, the areas of the bitmap that match the selected color are hidden (transparent).


You can select the color of the pixels that are hidden. Click in the color box and select a color in the Select RGB Color dialog box

Click to select the color directly in the Preview area. The cursor changes to a pipette when you move it across the Preview. Press (and hold down) the right mouse button. The cursor changes to a magnifier and you can pan or zoom in on the preview to display an appropriate section. When you release the right mouse button, you can select a color in the section defined. Pressing ESC cancels this process.


You can hide similar color shades.


When this check box is selected, the preview area shows the effect of the settings. The squares, which are displayed in the background of the preview, assist you in the process of checking the settings you have made (transparency properties, for example).

Each side of a square represents 1m. You can thus estimate the relationship in terms of size between the bitmap and area defined by the polyline for the Size in meters setting (Resize area).


Size in meters

The size is defined by the values in the Resize area. 100 pixels in the original bitmap correspond to 1m (see preview).

Size like polygon

The size of the bitmap is defined by the polyline.


This is where you can resize the bitmap in the X and Y direction.
When the Size like polygon setting is enabled, you can enter a resizing factor.
When the Size in meters setting is enabled, you can enter the size in meters.
X/Y constant retains the ratio between the X value and the Y value.

Note: Bitmaps are usually not true to scale. You can adjust the representation in the Resize area.


You can move the bitmap by a distance in the X and Y direction.
The unit of measurement used is the unit currently set in the Options - Desktop environment - General area - Unit of length.

General parameters


Enter an angle by which the bitmap area is to be rotated.
When you click , the dialog box closes temporarily and you can adopt the angle by clicking an element in the workspace.

Select side

When you activate this check box, you can select a side of a polygon in the workspace that is to serve as the bitmap area's baseline instead of the screen coordinate system.

Reference point

In polygon at bottom left

When you activate this check box, the reference point used for placing the bitmap is the bottom left point of the min-max box.

Custom point

When you activate this check box, the dialog box closes temporarily and you can click in the workspace to define the start point from which the bitmap area will be placed.

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