

Shadow Module, Introduction

Module(s): Shadow

The Shadow module provides tools for generating full-surface, color representations of 3D models including shadows cast by two light sources. Natural daylight can also be taken into account by specifying a latitude, date and time. This way, you can create a sun study to study the effects of light and shadow on a building during the course of a day.

Furthermore, you can make photo-realistic images of building models created using the modules in the Architecture family or using the tools in 3D Modeling. The program calculates photos based on the perspective view that you set.

You can present these using Run File Show in the Paint module (not available when you work with Allplan in a document-based manner) or add them to a layout. You can also study the effect of sunlight on a building over a period of time and record this study as a movie.

As opposed to the Animation module where the images are bitmaps (based on pixels), the elements you create in the Shadow module are saved in vector format which means that the elements can be moved, mirrored, resized, enlarged etc. without loss of picture quality.

Tips on computing shadows

Tips on lighting effects

Photo - important steps

Allplan 2016
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