

Loading existing layout structure as a favorite

You can load a layout structure as a favorite. This way, you can work with a predefined or custom layout structure independently of the building structure.

Note: The predefined layout structures are in the Allplan_BIM_LayoutStructure.xml file in the ...\Etc\BIM folder.

To load a layout structure as a favorite

  1. Click a project with the right mouse button and, on the shortcut menu, click Load layout structure favorite.
  2. Specify the path, select a favorite file and click Open.

    You can use Save layout structure as a favorite to save the current layout structure.

    Note: The folder where the favorite file is saved depends on the setting you have made for Proposed folders for saving favorite files in the Adjust dialog box. By default, Allplan saves the layout structure as an XML file in the BIM folder of the project in the user-specific ...\user\settings folder and in the project-specific ...\favorites_LayoutStructure\structures folder.

Allplan 2016
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