

Section along curve

Module(s): Bridge and Civil Engineering

You can use the Section Along Curve tool to create a section along any 2D element. This section does not have a depth.

To create a section along a curve

  1. Click Section Along Curve (How).
  2. You can see the Section Along Curve palette. In the Scale area, enter the factor for Resize in longitudinal direction or the Scale factor.
    Using these settings, you can display the section at a scale that differs from the Reference Scale. You do not need to use detailing windows.
  3. In the Clipping path area, enter the Section identifier. Click if you want to delete the section identifier.
  4. The selected elements do not necessarily have to define the top and bottom of the section. If you want to enter different values, clear the Height from elements check box and enter the values you want to use for the Top level and the Bottom level.
  5. If you do not want to display the clipping path in plan, select the Hide clipping path option. Otherwise, click the button to define how the clipping path looks.
  6. In the Section area, click the buttons to define the Representation, Formats and Label for the section.
  7. Click the 2D element for the clipping path in plan and select the viewing direction by clicking in the workspace.
  8. If you want to change the element for the clipping path, click in the palette. You can also modify the Start and End of the clipping path. To switch the viewing direction, click .
  9. If you want, you can still change the parameters of the section. The program displays a preview of the section. Place it as you need.
  10. Create more sections or press ESC to quit the tool.

Note: You can use Match parameters to match the parameters of a different section. You can use Save as a favorite to save the settings. With Load favorite, you can read the settings back into the palette, where you can then modify them.

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