

Updating SmartParts with external resources

SmartParts with external resources you have placed in drawing files are in the STD folder, regardless of their source. When you update a SmartPart and its external resources in the STD folder (same file name but new contents), the project will not update automatically to include these changes.

To update SmartParts in a project

  1. Open the Prj\PROJECT_NAME\SmartParts\ folder in Windows Explorer and delete all the SmartPart files (including the associated external resources) you want to update.
  2. Copy the new SmartPart files together with the associated external resources to the STD\SmartParts folder.
  3. Click Update SmartPart (Change area in palette or toolbar in the SmartParts module) and update the SmartParts in the drawing file.

    Tip: You can open more drawing files with SmartParts in edit mode, select Update SmartPart and enclose the SmartParts you want to update in a selection rectangle. This updates several SmartParts in a single step.

  4. Repeat step 3 with all drawing files that contain SmartParts you want to update.

Alternative: To update individual SmartParts using the "Replace Smart Symbol, SmartPart" tool

  1. Place the new SmartPart in the drawing file with the SmartParts you want to update.

    This copies the updated SmartPart data along with the external resources to the project.

  2. Click Replace Smart Symbol, SmartPart (Change area in palette or toolbar in the Smart Symbols module).
  3. In the Input Options, select the Smart Symbol option. This replaces all the instances.
  4. Click a SmartPart of the instance you want to replace.
  5. Click the new SmartPart that is to replace the original SmartParts.
  6. Finally, you can delete the SmartPart you placed in step 1.

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