Paste (from the Clipboard)

Using the Clipboard

You can use the Paste tool to insert the elements from the Clipboard that you copied there most recently using Copy or Cut. You can paste the contents of the Clipboard as often as you need. This tool is only available in plan view. If the Clipboard is empty or contains elements that cannot be pasted into Allplan, this command is not available.

if the application from which you have copied elements to the Clipboard is an OLE server, the contents of the Clipboard are inserted as an OLE object in Allplan. To paste the contents of the Clipboard as normal text, use Paste Contents.

Note: Allplan elements can only be pasted from the Clipboard into the same type of document from which they were copied to the Clipboard. The contents of the Clipboard are always pasted into the active document even if the data was copied from a file open in edit mode.

To paste elements from the Clipboard into the current document

  1. Click Paste (How).

    The contents of the Clipboard are attached to the crosshairs.

  2. Place the elements in the workspace. There are additional tools available in the Input options to assist you.

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