

Error message ‘File size reached'

The message File size reached indicates that the volume of data to be created by the hidden line calculation is too large. Complex 3D smart symbols may be the reason for this.

Note: The same applies for the Shadow and Animation modules.

The easiest way to import this data anyway is increase the file size.

To increase the file size

  1. Exit Allplan.
  2. Start the Services application.
  3. On the Service menu, click Hotline Tools, select docsize and click OK to confirm.

    The program proposes the current setting.

  4. If enough memory is available on your computer, you also can increase this value manually. All entries are in MB.

    For example:

    Default setting
    Optimum (normal utilization)

    document size 64 MB
    document size 160 MB
    document size 200 MB

Note: You are not advised to set a value that is greater than 200 MB even if you are dealing with very large or complex data. This is to avoid unnecessarily long computing times.

Note: If increasing the file size does not appear to have any effect, you need to reduce the amount of data for the hidden line calculation. For example, reduce the number of selected drawing files per calculation or generate the final image based on drawing files with hidden line images of portions of the model.

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