

Modify local placement parameters

Module(s): Mesh Reinforcement

You can use the Modify Local Placement Parameters tool to modify the mesh type within a region, the number off management by altering the layer and/or component factor and you can toggle the direction of the mesh diagonals. In addition, you can configure whether or not pieces are added to the number off if you are not working in Reinforce with 3D model mode.

To modify the placement parameters in a region

  1. Click Modify Local Placement Parameters (How).
  2. Select the area to be modified:
  3. Select the new mesh type:
  4. Click Factor (layer factor) to change the number of layers.
  5. Click the Component Factor box to enter a factor for the component.
  6. You can control the number (quantity) and representation of the modified area using the following:
  7. Click OK to confirm. The region is updated to reflect the new settings.

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