

Importing RDS files

Using Content

Program: Allplan 2015

RDS files are style files for railings, fences, barriers or similar elements you can create using Railing.

Note: It is a good idea to use the local user folder as the destination folder:
.../Programme/Nemetschek/Allplan/Usr/Local, for example.

To import RDS files

  1. Download the file.
  2. Decompress the file and save it in any folder on your computer.
  3. Start Allplan 2015.
  4. Click Railing.
  5. Click Railing properties.
  6. Click Retrieve railing style.
  7. Select the folder and the file you have downloaded and click OK to confirm.
  8. Enter the path points of the railing.

Saving and exporting RDS files

You can use Save railing style in the Railing tool to save the current settings of the Railing properties as an RDS file.

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