

Import/export using point file, point coordinates

Options, terrain

Point coordinates:

You can define a custom ASCII format for point files here. You can enter the following values for each parameter (point no., X, Y, Z coordinates and point code):


The number of the first column (1 - 120 less the number of leading digits and decimal places)


Number of leading digits (0 is not a permitted value!)

In No./label: number of digits for primary point number or label
If the value of the decimal places is 0, the label is imported or exported. If you have not specified a label, Allplan creates it from the primary and secondary point numbers when exporting. If the label is a numerical value consisting of up to 8 digits (can also precede a decimal point), the primary and secondary point numbers are derived from this value when you import data. The places after the decimal point are ignored.


Number of decimal places (0 = integer format)

In No./label: number of digits for secondary point number (0 = export and import of label, see above). Enter 4 to export the secondary point number. When you enter a value between 1 and 4, the system will not create a label when importing. With this setting, points with alphanumeric values are not imported.


m - the system uses the leading digits and decimal places defined to output the coordinate values in ‘m’


mm - the system uses the leading digits and decimal places defined to output the coordinate values in ‘mm'



The header is only relevant when the file is written to disk. When you close the dialog box, the system checks automatically whether the formats you entered overlap.

2D entities like lines, polylines and splines can also be processed using their control points.


Notes on point coordinates:

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