

Color Space with Same Hue

Module(s): Paint

You can use the Color Space with Same Hue tool to create a color diagram with fills with the same hue that you place in the current file. Together with the Color Space with Same Saturation and Color Space with Same Brightness tools, you can use this to determine the color space of your printer.

The diagram is created for the selected color. The x-axis of the diagram shows the saturation of the color while the y-axis shows the brightness.

More information on color, saturation, brightness

To create a diagram of fills with the same hue and place it in the workspace

  1. Click Color Space with Same Hue (How).
  2. Enter the color hue as a value between 0 and 360 degrees and specify whether the fills are to be displayed with blank areas in between.
  3. Place the color diagram.

Tip: To find out which RGB color needs to be sent to the printer in order to obtain a specific color, print the color diagram out.
The diagram provides a visual indication of the color's brightness and saturation. Activate Fill, for example.
You can enter the values in the Select RGB Color dialog box and add them to the palette.

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