

Placing by region and applying rules

Tool(s): Element for Fit

Using a rule to place elements on a 'by region' basis

  1. Click Element for Fit (How).
  2. Select the Sample tab.
  3. Select a rule.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Enter the region as you would a polyline.
  6. To quit the polyline entry, press ESC.
  7. A preview of a section of the elements or pattern with the selected rule is attached to the crosshairs. Place the elements in the region defined.
  8. The Smart Fit dialog box is displayed again. To place more elements, patterns or rules, in any remaining spaces in the region, select a rule again.
  9. When you confirm the settings in the Smart Fit dialog box, all the regions that are still empty are displayed in selection color. Select or cancel the selection of the regions you want to use for the next fit operation. You can repeat this step as often as necessary.
  10. Confirm the remaining regions.
  11. Enter the new placement rule (see step 8).

Note: You can repeat this step until all the regions have been fitted with elements. In this case, only single placements from the Element tab are possible.
To place and fit elements in a new region, the dialog box needs to be closed first.
At this stage, you can also switch to another tab and define new elements or patterns or place elements and patterns with other unsaved rules.

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