

Exchanging test files

To minimize the problems that may occur when exchanging data with design colleagues, you should exchange a test file first and agree on conventions before actually exchanging complex data.

Allplan comes with drawing files containing test data (hatching styles, patterns, fonts, etc.) that can be used for this purpose. The drawing files with the test data are located in the folder \new\Testplot. You can copy the test data to a (new) project, export the data using the required interface and then import them to your partner’s system.

To use the test data supplied

  1. For the test files, create a new project and set the settings to Office.
  2. Set the path to the external buffer to \new\Testplot.
  3. Copy the drawing files from the External path into the destination project that you just created.

    Note: Don’t forget to set the path to the external buffer back to its normal setting.

  4. Open the new project in Allplan.

    As the project’s path settings are set to Office, all the elements are displayed using the office’s standard settings.

  5. Select all the drawing files and export the data.

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