

Transferring the ‘From layer’ structure

'From layer' means that elements adopt the format properties (color, for example) from the layer to which they are assigned. The 'From layer' property is available in Allplan as well as in other systems.

Transferring the 'From layer' structure during export

When From layer is not enabled, all the elements with the ‘From layer’ property in Allplan retain this property when they are exported. You can also assign the ‘From layer’ property manually to individual resources in the Configuration for Conversion dialog box.

Transferring the 'From layer' structure during import

When From layer is not enabled, the elements transferred are always created with the ‘From layer’ property in Allplan, regardless of the settings made in the Layer dialog box. The layer is created with the properties that are assigned to the relevant element in the Configuration for Conversion dialog box.

Important: When you have already created a layer, the program will not overwrite these properties when you create the same layer with different properties again. If you wish to use the new properties, you need to delete the existing layer before you start the import.

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