

Components of a Smart Symbol

A smart symbol consists of two- and three-dimensional design entities. Allplan uses the definition and assignment of the individual foils to reassemble the smart symbol at different scales and display modes. The exact position of the foils is preserved, even when you resize a smart symbol. This is made possible by setting a reference point and so-called resizing points.

When you design a smart symbol, you can define areas of the design entity as being dynamic (resizable) or static. A good example is a window frame whose sections remain constant - as opposed to the glass surface whose height and width needs to be variable.

(A) 3D view
(B) 2D view (for a scale range of 1:1 to 1:99) consists of two foils as the profiles remain constant while the glass surface is resized.
(C) 2D view for a scale range of 1:100 to 1:500

(C) Allplan GmbH Privacy policy