

Entering points using the rasterize length option (grid dimension)

Precision drawing

When entering architectural elements, you can place points and elements in a grid that can be defined using a precision of an eighth of a meter.

To work with the grid dimension

The following options are available in the dialog line:

1 Basic dimensions
2 Outside dimensions -
3 Opening dimensions +

Using the rasterize length option for drawing

When you draw walls, select the appropriate grid length and Outer dimensions -. Allplan displays a ToolTip with the offset to the start point of the wall in the X and Y direction with the crosshairs while you work.

The end point of the rectangular wall can only be placed in the selected grid.

Tip: The rasterize length option is very useful for working in animation windows.

Tip: If Rasterize length is active, you can use the TAB key to quickly toggle between Basic dimensions, Outside dimensions - and Opening dimensions + while drawing.

Tip: You can also use the rasterize length option when drawing with track lines.

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