
When saving or retrieving favorites or standard components, the system will open a dialog box and prompt you to specify a path for the files in question. You take a similar approach when saving and retrieving symbols and smart symbols. You start by navigating to the corresponding folder in the Library palette. The Symbols library is open in the example below.

The distinction between the Office, Private and Project paths is particularly important in a network environment. However, you can also structure your data if you are using a standalone version.




The files in this folder come with Allplan. You cannot edit or save data in this folder.


The files in this folder are available to all users in the network. By using an office standard, you ensure that the plans in your office have a uniform appearance. The office standard can only be modified by the system administrator.


The files in this folder are only available in one specific project.


The files in this folder are only available to one specific user.

External path

The files in this path are for backing up or exchanging data.

Note: You can use the Folders for saving option in the Options, desktop environment, save area to specify which Allplan file type is saved in which folder. These folders are automatically presented in the "Save" dialog box of the relevant file type. However, you can change them at any time.

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